Please help! I am desperate!


For over a month I have been having what I believe is anxiety over the thought of the end of the universe. I have had chest pains and stomach problems. It has even escalated to thoughts that every day that passes is a day closer to the end of the universe and questioning if life is real. The thoughts go around in my head and I need to know what to do to stop this and live my life with happiness and enjoy the things I used to.

It has been a year since I graduated college and I haven’t found a job and I do spend a lot of time alone. Please help me figure out what to do.

asked October 29, 2014

7 Answers

Go out and socialise, try to talk to other people. If you still feel like that I think the best thing to do would be talk to a professional, they may be able to glean some insight into what is actually happening and help you through it.
I don't know if this helps at all, but think of it this way: first of all, the universe is not going to end for a very, very, very long time. I promise. Second of all, whenever I start freaking out about anything, I think about how we're all just atoms. We're just bunches of particles floating around in space and nothing we do really matters. So you should still live your life because, hey, we've been given the ability to think and feel things so you might as well go along with that if you've gotta live anyways, yanno? And if you are really worried about the world ending (which it won't any time soon, but you're life is still passing you by, you know what I mean?), don't you think it makes more sense that you should go out and try to experience the shades of life and make something of yourself rather than just waiting around driving yourself crazy? I think you should talk to a professional about your anxiety and also try to live a little. Go out, have fun, try not to think about the universe ending and live in the moment. The universe going to end in your lifetime or your grandchildren's or their grandchildren's so you have nothing to worry about :)
This sounds like some really bad anxiety. Do you have any coping mechanisms? You seem to be able to get yourself worked up over a bad thought until you panic. You also spend a lot of time alone, so you might be a little out of it. For the panic attacks, I suggest seeking professional help. Therapists will be able to give you good methods to cope. But, since you seem a little detached from society, you might want to try a support group. There you will be socializing, venting to others, and getting to listen to other's problems- some you may be able to relate to. Who knows, you may make good friends there. I understand this can be costly for someone who does not have a job. Until you find a job or support for therapy, your extents are the cheapness of the therapists on BlahTherapy or the advice on the Internet. Many people have similar problems and make masterposts of ways to cope without professional help. Please, please take care of yourself. For now, find something solid to hold on to. NEVER go to the extent of self harm, but you can try digging a nail into the palm of your hand to remind you that you are alive. Feel free to contact me about anything else. Your cells and organs in your body are working very hard to keep you alive.
I have wanted to try meditation and have been looking for what kind of meditation would work best for me. But do you know of other coping mechanism that can help me feel better not get rid of it fast because I know it's a long term process.
You nailed your problem; you are alone too much and it is making you neurotic. Get out and go socialize!
I had the exact same issue about two years ago, and I basically had melt downs every day. I know how you feel, it's awful. For about two weeks it was like that, and I know that it's not very long but it really does drain the energy out of you. I also have anxiety issues, so this kind of stuff already happens to me on a regular basis. To make this go away, you don't NEED to get out and socialize, you just need to do something to distract yourself from the thought of it. Like expressing yourself through art, music, dance, writing, poetry, etc. That has helped me in the past and still does. And when my meltdown about the world coming near to it's end ended, I realized that the world probably, and most likely, won't end anytime soon. :) xx
You should try grounding :) grounding is often used as a type of meditation but what I use is sort of a altered version of it, Grounding ( as i call it ) reistablishes the connection how have with the earth and sort of jolts you back into reality. When i drift or cant think straight, forget who I am or just lose myself in general, ill go outside, anywhere where my feet can be planted onlt to the ground on grass, be alone for a while and just sit under a tree, .Try to quiet down your inner monologue and sit there in complete silence, clear your mind and feel a connection between you and everything around you in your mind, live only in the current moment and trust you can deal with the future later, the silence will block out the chaos, and hopefully give you a new perspective to look at things from :)