One Fucked Up Night…..


I’m gonna seem like a crybaby teenager in this so I’m sorry for that…but….last midnight my dog was eating some chicken bones, my mom tried taking out of her mouth and in return my dog bit my mom in the arm….

my mom was screaming at my dog Cassie, and the worst part is my dog is getting very old…..and my mom was saying how she hates the dog and wishes she’ll die faster and the more I tried to calm her she told me she hated the dog more..

Cassie’s 14 years old….she really doesn’t have much time left, even tho she has some energy left in her but not by much….my mom even said 2 days ago that the dog’s losing her site and her hearing… A rabbit ran right by her and she did nothing…..

then after it last night my mom changed….

she began to wish the dog DEATH and how much she hates her now and how she should be shot….

saying all these horrific things….now I’m angry with both of them…my dog for biting….and my mom for having these awful thoughts about cassie….she’s even comparing this to a man who beats his wife….how the woman should end the love for that man…and she’s ending the love for that dog……SHE’S NOT HUMAN! SHE’S A FUCKING DOG!

when I was in school I had no friends… one liked me….but my dog was the only one who was there for me….she’s my best friend….and I know her time is coming soon but I’m not sure how I can handle it…

but those things that my mom said in my opinion are uncalled for!

when a dog is eating…..LEAVE IT THE FUCK ALONE….sure it was a chicken bone but still find another way to stop it, get a mop and push it or something…..

…it’s mostly my fault tho….I SHOULD of taken tho’s bags outside in the ally….

I’m so fucking dumb……what kills me the most tho….is when my mom was saying those things….it seemed like she didn’t care how I felt about them….and I’m 100% convinced she doesn’t….

this is also not the first time my dog did this….

11 years ago when we moved into a new house…my dog was freaking out… dad was messing around with her a little…and in return….she bite his hand and put a hole in his hand……and guess what?….my dad still loves that dog with all his heart……sure he was angry at first but he knew it was his fault….

sometimes I wish he still lived here with me and my mom……(they got a divorced)

I wish my mom would open her eyes and realize she’s over reacting…..

the things she said makes me sick….my face is still red from crying so much…..

they say when people are angry they say things they don’t mean…..and they need to calm down….I tried to have a convo with her…..she’s still acting fucking stupid…she’s stubborn

what the fuck do I do?

Category: asked September 20, 2014

1 Answer

It seems like your mom could seriously use your honest opinion. Try talking to her about how you feel about the dog being a dog, about her overreacting about an animal that means so much to you and how she is affecting you.
You should bring the topic up at dinner, when you are both calm and quiet, as it will be easier for you than making a big scene. Honesty is important when you need someone to take some sense into them asap.