No one wants to be my friend because of what i had to do..


i got into this trouble of being blamed on, long story short they needed me to rat out a drug dealer i did. everyone found out and now no one wants to be my friend. not even the people i trusted most…. that i actually cared for… and i dont know what to do now because i feel like i dont ave those close friends anymore… any advise or something..?

asked April 25, 2014

4 Answers

Take time with your closest mates, take them out somewhere and explain to them the whole story. Say how much it hurts you to have lost them all. If they really care about you they will understand why you did it :) good luck!
If you cannot make up with your old friends, it is very simply time to move on and find new ones.

In my personal opinion, anyone who would be upset at you for ratting out a drug dealer doesn't have very good morals themselves.
@Kirito, what do you think you should do? Will you miss these people? Have you outgrown them? Do YOU feel like you've done the right thing? Ask yourself some questions because it could be time to move from the past into the future and away from criminal minded friends. Just my opinion.
If those friends didn't believe you or stick by you, they don't deserve you. A friend is someone who'll be there for you no matter what. Just be yourself and be with people who actually care about who you are.
You're going to be fine, you've got a friend in me