My grades are dropping…


So, I used to be a great student. But last 2 years, things got out of control. I started having negatives at a lot of classes. My family keeps telling me that I don’t study enough, but that’s all I do. I just can’t concentrate during tests, probably due to anxiety. Things started going wrong when I started losing weight, and I thought that maybe it was related, because I barely ate. But I’ve been trying to eat healthy, and things are getting even worse. All the tests I got this period were under an 11 in 20. I don’t know how to tell this to my family, because I am too scared of how they’ll react. Do you have any suggestion?

Tags: asked April 1, 2014

1 Answer

Firstly figure out what is causing the negativity, if you are studying and still going wrong, it is probably because you are not answering the questions correctly or you don't get to the point of satisfaction and you discuss this matter openly with your family. it may help.