My friend told me that she is bulimic, what do I do now?


She told me she just started making herself throw up a few months ago because of her family’s constant comments about her weight (which is actually very good for someone her height and age) and now I don’t know how to respond. I don’t want to tell her mom because i know for a fact she wouldn’t care and just to make a long story short, she has no adult to go to about something like this even if she wanted help.

Category: Tags: asked February 5, 2014

1 Answer

You can't do nothing except keep being her friend. She is the one who has to take responsibility for her actions, and you aren't expected to fix her. She shared something with you, just ask if she wants to talk about it and listen if she wants, or talk about something else if that day she doesn't feeling like talking. If you want to research resources for bulimia in your area, you can always suggest her to use them if she expresses the will to get help.