My friend is ignoring me? Help!


My friend and I have been very good friends, and now he’s ignoring me. When he looks at me, he just shapes his head and walks right past me without saying a word. What should I do?

Category: asked May 6, 2014

5 Answers

From my experiences, you might wanna look back and seen if you've done anything wrong, even small things, small, but important things get to guys sometimes. But a lot of guys will start to ignore you if their feelings have changed, either for better or for worse, or if something is going on at home. Think about anything you might've done and say something about it, but if that doesn't work then ask him what's wrong or if his feelings have changed at all.
What DID you do? Do you have any ideas why your friend would be acting this way? If not, stop your friend. Make a point of saying "talk to me, tell me what I did", and then you can work from there
Would you think he likes me?
@Alyssa I agree with tgitb. But at the same time, I really hate when you do something wrong and the person doesn't want to be straight up with you and tell you what you did wrong. That could be a red flag, that he doesn't want to tell you what you did wrong and simply ignores you (which is a bit immature--he should handle the situation cordially). But do you know anything that would have set him off? Did he change after you said something? And is there a reason to why you ask if he likes you, especially when he is ignoring you right now? Just curious and would like to know some specifics, not trying to be rude :)
Whenever he sees you, he comes farting. All the excrete he has been holding in since last years Taco Tuesday has come out, into the worst form of diarrhea the world has ever seen. The magnitude is higher than 11 in his guts. He shapes his head into a square to try and be funny to make you laugh, and also to ignore the fact that his organs are failing from all the backed up shit.I can tell you more about this if you need me too. This is a severe problem he has.