My boyfriend disrespect me


My boyfriend have already speak to me vulgar words when he is angry with me… I’ve been tolerating a lot back then… I feel like giving up… I become more afraid of people like him and I’m afraid for my future if he can say something like that , he can do actions towards me in future…I feel like breaking up with him… He is too protective … We’re both 17 and he do not want me to work because I will have no time with him. I said to him no its not true the schedule of my working is flexible and I can make off for him to spend time with him without any issue.. But he just can’tseem to understand me.. He always think negative things about me when iI get to work. Not only about boys but no time spend.. I’m trying to be the best as I can.. And I’m afraid for the future if we were to get married, he wants me to stay at home because if I work I will hook up with a guy which is untrue… I’m loyal than he is…. I feel like I’m living in a jail as a girl I can only do less and what for I’m studying in school taking a good course.. I’m gg to work one day in the end… He just still follow his ego and said in the future he only needs to work and I just have to stay home… It makes me think in the future in a more depressing way … That I can’t find my own money …. He starts to say fuck you to me and more than that…. It is too much… It makes me disrespect him…

asked January 6, 2015

6 Answers

He sounds very controlling, and seems to show a lot of signs of a bad relationship. I think you should tread lightly, and leave him. Youre both so young, and what you are looking for in a relationship now, will be different when youre older. You deserve better and I think you need to get out while you can. Your partner should be someone who does nothing but encourage you and build you higher, not tear you down and disrespect you.
I know this may be hard to hear, but you are currently in an abusive relationship. Your boyfriend is excessively jealous, blames others, is manipulative and controlling, is intentionally cruel and degrading, has rigid stereotypes about gender roles, and is attempting to control who you are and what your future is without your consent. He is emotionally and verbally abusive.

I understand that this is not something that is easy to face, but abusers almost never appear to be abusers at first. They are charming and romantic in the beginning. They will sweep you off your feet with their kindness and attention. This initial impression of a partner can make it very hard to accept that this isn't who they really on later down the road.

Relationships should be a place of retreat and comfort, not fear and dysfunction. You deserve the best and you are not alone in this. I am already so proud of you for having the courage to come to us and speak about something like this. It is tough in this society for people who have been abused by their significant others--often, they are questioned for not getting out of a relationship right away, or for protecting their abuser.

If you put a frog in boiling water, it will jump out. If you put a frog in warm water and gradually turn up the heat until the water is boiling, the frog will remain there until it dies. And that is an abusive relationship. There is no guarantee of safety if you stay with this man.

It is important that you leave this relationship as soon as is safely possible for you. If you live in the U.S., would suggest calling the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233 (SAFE). You can find more tips here, but I would ask that you continue looking in case these are not helpful to you: If you ever need to talk, we are all here and ready to listen.
Oh honey, you need to dump this guy ASAP! He is going to end up hurting you in the long run! It sounds very unhealthy and miserable! Please do yourself a favor and ditch this guy, and if he gives you any trouble at all, talk to a parent or a friend to get help! Controlling relationships like that never end well! I hope the best for you! Please be careful
Honestly, you're in an emotionally abusive relationship, and it makes me sad because I had the same thing happen to me and I remember how bad it was. Do some research on emotionally abusive relationships, and try to find a friend that will let you stay there if he gets too controlling or gets violent when you leave him. Please take care of yourself doll and know that what he is doing is wrong, and you need to get help and get out of there ❣◕ ‿ ◕❣ You're special and you don't deserve that kind of hurt! Good luck!
It seems like a hard thing to do but, DUMP HIM AS SOON AS YOU CAN! NO ONE should make you feel shitty like he makes you feel. I have actually just gotten out of a relationship like this and I have never been happier!!! He wants you to do whatever he wants for you and no one should ever control you like that! You are your own person. I am very worried that these vulgar and hurtful words will escalate to actions and physical harm as well. GET OUTTA THERE!!!!! there's always a way out, and though it might be hard you will be SO thankful when you leave him.Be strong!!
I've been through this situation so many times and im sure so many others can relate to your situation. You don't deserve to be disrespect by your significant other. I think he is controlling you maybe because he knows that you will stay with him nomadder what. I used to have a boyfriend who used to help me so much with my depression, but soon went to cheat on me and use me for things. I look back and im SO glad i didn't stay any longer with him. He was like a vampire sucking all the energy left out of me. Everyone deserves respect and if you are not seeing that from him then i would try to leave as soon as possible. You deserve the best and he seems far from it! A relationship needs trust and nobody's partner should be so demanding that you cant even leave your house and go to work. I hope you can find the strength to stick up for yourself and live the life you picture it to be. Im always here to talk.