Move on or not?


Basically, I have been involved with my ex for over a year. We first got together last summer but after a few months I ended it as I found out he got with a guy so yeah. We didn’t talk for a while but then we became friends again and eventually ended up back together only this time a lot more serious. Everything was great and perfect and he made me happy until all of a sudden he started being cold and messing me about like not meeting me when he said he would etc. and eventually he dumped me unexpectedly. I was completely heartbroken and I still am. I keep pestering him to meet up and talk about things and he does but we just end up sleeping together and then nothing else and it makes me feel awful after. When we do meet up he always says he wants to be with me but he can’t because he doesn’t feel the same anymore and he doesn’t want to act like nothing happened etc. But these statements give me false hope and he doesn’t show any sign of wanting to actually get back with me and I don’t want to let go because he meant everything to me but he has been doing pretty mean things but acts lovely in person? I don’t know whether to cut him out completely or try and be friends at least?

Category: Tags: asked August 11, 2013

3 Answers

If he makes you feel awful, you should try and cut him out of your life as best you can, simple as that. You don't need anyone dragging you down and making you miserable, you're worth more than that. Confront him if you haven't already, tell him how you feel and what it is he's doing that you don't like, if he offers to change, great, if he doesn't, move on with your life and find someone who's going to be more considerate of you. Don't let him take advantage of you. Best of luck xoxo
You need to move on. It's not going to be easy but it needs to happen. Your ex is manipulative and takes advantage of you. You deserve far better.

You've admitted that he doesn't want to get back with you and realise that what he's doing is giving you false hope. The fact that you understand this makes me think that you probably know it's not going to happen with him again, and that's good.

Cut him out. If you have any final contact with him, tell him exactly how his behaviour has been unacceptable and how it's made you feel. Don't listen if he says he'll change, he probably won't. Sever all ties. Unfortunately friendships just don't work if one party wants more than the other and it doesn't sound like your ex shows you the respect and consideration that you deserve from your friendships. Tell your close friends and any family members that you are close to what you're planning to do and get their support. In situations like these you often find out quite how good your friends are and they will likely be more than willing to support you and give you a hand when you feel tempted to get back in touch with him.

That will probably happen, by the way. If you do cave in and send him a text/e-mail/Facebook/whatever, don't let it get you down too much. We all give into temptation sometimes and it will be pretty hard for you at the beginning. It doesn't mean you've failed or you're never going to move on from him. Write it off as a mistake and get back onto ignoring him.

When you've been in love with someone and they've been an important part of your life, it's very easy to believe that you will never feel like that about somebody again. The truth is you will. You will probably meet several people who you love that much if not more. Cutting ties with your ex will hurt for a while but you just have to remember that you will feel better and you will meet someone who genuinely loves you and treats you the way you deserve.
Thank you guys! I know I should but it's just hard because I genuinely believe he cares about me, he's just going through something the now. He's a bit lost and he's told me that but I know it gives no excuse. It's harder because I lost all of my friends at one point and before we got together he was pretty much my only true friend and he was up until he dumped me so I don't really have anyone to help me through this. He was all I had which is my fault and is pathetic really but that's what's making this harder - I just can't bear to let go. He also owes me money for a concert ticket I bought for him which hasn't been delivered yet and I think we need to go together because it's a stupid e-ticket thing - once again my fault for doing this after we'd broke up but it's a band we both love.. So I don't wanna tell him to leave before that? Is that a bad idea I'm not sure what to do. I know you are both right, I just can't accept it :( Thanks again though x