maraige in Germany


So I’m british and have a german girlfriend. I’m in the army and based in Germany and we wish to get married are there any procedures I need to take to make it legal?

Category: asked July 2, 2014

3 Answers

get a lawyer?
I don't kwon how it works in Germany or in England, but in Brazil you need to live a few years to be considered a brazilian, so you can get married.Because a country just can marry people from his own country. Or it's not valid. But I think it's easier because the both countries are in the EU, right?I was reading in a site. But you need to know where will you get married. If you live in a coutry from EU and you wanna get married in another, so you need to ask the authorities from the both countries abouth the formalities you will need, namely in matter of registry and publication because your marriage need to be accepted in both countries
Hi nathanharty! Maybe those sites will help you :)................ ........