Is this technically hypocrisy?


So I’ve been pondering a question (a bit too much) and decided to ask you people because, duh. It involves ya’ll.

So I’ve been open to letting people who want to vent message me. But I’ve wondered, with all my unresolved issues, should I really be handing out advice to other people? I love to try to help out people, and tell them it will get better, but is that hypocrisy because I don’t really believe such an outcome for myself?

This might read kind of attention servingly (that is so not a word), sorry. I just keep wondering.

Category: asked November 24, 2014

3 Answers

No, this does not count as hypocrisy.Let's say you don't believe you can play Basketball well. However, you know someone who can play Basketball very well. They tell you that they can't play; you, who holds the belief that they can play well and you cannot, may tell them that they can play very well without being a hypocrite, as you aren't contradicting yourself by telling them that they're good at the game.This is the same with life. If you have your own problems, that does not make you a hypocrite when you attempt to tell others that they're "good at the game" and help them.
I understand how you feel this is hypocrisy, if you're giving advice that you yourself should take. However there is nothing wrong with what you're doing. Hypocrisy is only an issue when strong beliefs and moral behaviors come into play. No one is being hurt by this. You have to be ready to change, maybe helping others will eventually get you to the point you are ready to take your own advice.
I wouldn't say so. When it come to giving advise for example we often give good advise but very rarely follow them. Because when you have some sort of problem it's hard to look at it from an outsider's point of view and in most cases that is exactly what is needed. We don't really think straight in those situations. Also you are only giving advice not commands, so it's the person at the other end who decides if they want to follow it. I feel that helping others is helping yourself, you feel good by helping and maybe you will get a new perspective on you problems.