Is it weird to want to be the bad guy? EG is it weird to want to hurt people who have hurt me?


I love Loki, and I’m so tired of being the good guy, so is it bad to want to be like loki, shut off the world, or want everyone to bow down to me?
Is it demented that I want to hurt people that have hurt me?
I want to torture them all.

Category: Tags: asked December 16, 2013

4 Answers

It's not weird to be the bad guy. It's bad. You shouldn't be tired of being good. Just be thankful that you're not the one who's hurting others. If you know how it feels to be hurt, why would you like to hurt other? To get revenge? Revenge is not the answer. It won't bring you any good. It will only bring you into more trouble, more pain. Yes, it's natural to feel like you want to hurt those who have hurt you, but you, shouldn't because that's not who you're suppose to be. You're the good guy. Do you think it will make you feel better to hurt them? You could avoid them. Avoiding them doesn't mean you're a loser. It means your more understanding than they are. You can be like Loki. The good one.
Its normal to have feelings of anger towards people that hurt you. But have you ever heard the quote "Anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die." You have to let go of anger because its really not doing anything good for you and its not like the other person ever really knows how your feeling. Also by holding onto those feeling you are giving those people more power in your life than they deserve! They dont deserve to consume your thoughts for even a second. The best thing to do is to continue on with your life and continue with being awesome because thats the best revenge. Forgot those idiots that hurt you and continue to make yourself better and to be the best person you can be.
No it's not weird. We all feel like that sometimes, to be honest, but it's overcoming such feelings that make us stronger as people.
you'll get through whatever tough period you are enduring, and at the end, you'll come out a better person. It sounds like a load of rubbish, I know, but it's true. Good luck in all your future endeavors.
What you gotta do is say "FUCK IT!!" Take some deep breaths and continue to be a good guy. I'm sorry that the world is not all sunshine and rainbows, but don't go to the dark-side..