is it ok to talk to a teacher?


Recently i’ve been feeling very sad and nervous about alot of things. i dont want to talk to my friends cos they dont get it. i dont have a counsellor and dont think my school does. ive tried talking to my family but its too hard.

I really like and trust my history teacher. He seems like he queninely cares but what if he thinks im being pathetic? He’s quite young and we have a lot of banter together. I have wondered recently if its alright for me to go to him for advice or just someone to listen to me?

Is it weird me asking him? I break up for winter holidays in 2 days and im worried that over the holidays i wont be able to cope and might hurt myself. I think talking to him might sort a few things out but i’m so nervous.

Should I just keep my feelings to myself or seek someone else or just talk to him?

Category: Tags: asked December 18, 2013

6 Answers

Absolutely go to him. It will be fine. My best friend went to our 6th grade reading teacher for help and she's helped her tremendously and saved her life several times. If you trust this man, then do it.
Listen, as someone who wants to be a teacher someday, he would want you to go to him. Trust me. Most people (especially the better teachers like this one) get into this profession because they care about kids. They want to help mold/shape them into the best people they can be.It may seem weird to you that of all the people, this is someone you feel like you can go to, but what is important is that you feel you have someone. Go to him, you won't regret it. And remember, there are always people on here who are willing to lend a shoulder to cry on and hear you out even if we aren't there to do anything about it.Hope this helps and I hope you enjoy your break. :)
thank you so much! really helped :)
It is totally ok to go to him! I recommend it 100% This will not hurt your relationship with him at all, if anything, it will bring y'all closer(:
You can go to him ! If you feel comfortable talking to him or even anyone else you feel comfortable talking too . And if you ever feel like harming yourself during hols or when anyone is not there just use the blah therapy venting chat ! it will help , make online friends it ll help you cope :) Hope you feel better Take care ^_^
There's nothing wrong with going to him if you need a friend. I think that's really great that you feel that way about your teacher. I've had a few teachers who I talked to a lot in school, and now in college, who help me pick myself up after a rough time.