Is a four year difference relationship not that bad, right? HE is 22 & I’M 18


I just want to know the pros and cons of that kind of relationship. Should I act more mature?

Category: Tags: asked May 12, 2014

8 Answers

Hmm... pros: Older guys are more mature. He's probably the same maturity level as you, given that guys mature slower than girls. You shouldn't let a guy boss you around regardless of the age, but just because he's older, it doesn't mean he's in charge. A mutual relationship means you're both equals. I've dated older guys before, and I never experienced too many differences than same-age guys, except for the better maturity. Cons: He's over 21, which means he can go out and drink, and you can't (if you're from the US). He can get into bars and clubs and whatnot without you. I'm 21, and my boyfriend is 19, so we kinda bump heads because I don't want to stay home and drink but he can't come with me when I go out. Being older may mean he wants different things, he may want marriage and kids before you, he may be close to graduating college, while you'd be just starting (if either of you attend), so he'll settle down with a job and whatnot sooner. Age is just a number, however, so as long as you're both on the same page with everything in the relationship and lay down everything on the table, it doesn't matter how much of a difference there is!
My girls 18 im 22. "she acts like shes alone", That means shes her true self 100% of the time. She doesnt hide who she really is and... I LOVE IT!!!! Sure its problem-sum but Id rather that then her have to change a little bit when shes around me. Because I wouldnt want her to fake anything even the little tiny parts of life.if that helps.
If you both are happy then it shouldn't matter. I'm 19 and dated a guy (who is 22) for a little while. If you are both mature, then it shouldn't be a problem. He may be more experienced at things than you (that's how it was with me) and that's okay! As long as he understands that, and respects you and your choices.
It's not a bad thing to be in a relationship with an age difference- As for you acting more mature, he has more experience with life and you might want to listen to any advice, But I definitely wouldn't let him treat you infinitely younger. You should be equals.
I'm currently 20, I met my boyfriend when i was 18 and he was 25! To be honest mentally it isn't that much different, but it all depends on your personality, you should maintain honesty if you want to keep this relationship. Sooner or later you will find out if you two are truly meant to be, since you are his girlfriend he shouldn't boss you around in the first place, you should both be equal. The pro's are; Hopefully they are more mature so you don't have to deal with the everyday typical 18 year old relationship deals with, You can do more adult things like go away on vacation, or on holiday, most likely when you are ready to settle down and perhaps get married they will be too. Cons are; sometimes you may feel younger just because of the fact they have been through major events that you have yet to go through. If they love you though they will not stand in the way and let you experience what you're supposed to!
As long as you're both at least 18 and you two have a healthy relationship. My grandparents have an 18 year gap so it stops being a big deal after a while.
Dating older people is great in my opinion. I was engaged to someone 11 years older than me. I can't stand being around people my age. You shouldn't let him boss you around though. That isn't a healthy relationship
He's not much older than you--I think it's okay :) I love when guys are older than me. It's a preference thing. I wouldn't date a forty year old at my age of 20 though. I cut it off at 5 (it used to be 15 when I was 15 haha because there was a celebrity I drooled over...and still do...that's 15 years older)