im scared


well just ten mins ago my step dad caein my room and made me get undressed

Category: Tags: asked November 5, 2013

7 Answers

Krissy, leave the house NOW and get to a safe place (hugs) you don't deserve any of what is happening to you.
i cant im locked in
Find a way to get out, break a window if you have too, you need to get to a place of safety now. (hugs)
You are stronger than him!! believe it! even if it's not true just believe it, Oli's advice is pretty the best thing to do, but really don't let him do absolutely nothing to you, and if he dares to try AIM FOR THE BALLS! good luck (hugs!!!)
call the police somehow if you see you can't do anything else, be brave, we support you ;D
Get out! If you can't call the police. Thats not right. You are better that.
You don't deserve this, I'm so sorry that you have to go through this. Please tell someone. A teacher you trust, or a counselor, or the police. You have done nothing wrong so do not feel bad about telling the truth. What your family is doing to you is wrong, very wrong. Please get help so you can be safe. I promise there will be people who understand what you're going through and will help you. You're very strong.