I want him to stop..


I posted a question about what he does to me….Two people said to get away from him..I can’t get away I love him, and he loves me..That’s what he says after he hurts me that he is sorry and he doesn’t want me to leave. I can’t live him he says he is sorry. I haven’t told my parents that he does those kind of stuff to me, I always lie to them…I just want him to stop hurting me….I don’t know what to do please can someone help me?

Category: asked March 4, 2015

8 Answers

You can leave him. Who cares what he says? He says it only to stop you from leaving. It's a lie, a despicable lie. He does not love you and he does not care about you, no matter how much you would like to think that he does. If you cannot leave him with your own strength, find someone you can trust who will push you to do it. And while you are at it, consider reporting him to the police. No matter what, do not let him do this to you.
I would not spend anymore time trying to forgive, instead you have to walk- away and hopefully you never see him again. it's a big world you gotta be somebody not get used by someone.
He needs to get into a partner abuse program and get himself healthy. If he doesn't do that and if it happens again you need to leave. These things tend to escalate up to the point of murder even. It's very scary and whatever his issues are he needs help. You also deserve and need help. I would look into local shelters and see what resources they have for you and the person you love. You have to learn to recognize the cycle of abuse, stop it when it is in the build up phase and learn how to deal with your stress and problems in healthy ways. Please don't become a statistic, please do something about this now. Never try to fight back because that could make it more dangerous. You need to get yourself out of this situation asap. Look online for help too. Save up money, find a new place to live, talk to him about getting help. This is not healthy but it can be fixed if you are both serious about it. But you cannot allow it to ever happen again. If it happens again you need to leave right away and tell the authorities. Sometimes that's the only thing that can make a person get help for being abusive. Keep yourself safe first, no one deserves to be abused. And if you are verbally abusive and doing things to set him off, learn to let those feelings out in a way that doesn't set him off, but better you learn in a safe place away from him for awhile before testing the waters at home. I'm praying for you but you need to take action.
No excuse to ever hit someone you love, you need to move on, this does not sound healthy for you at all and will only get worse. Im sorry but its true. I hope you are okay and get the help you need.
It can be difficult to let go of someone you love, but you're so blinded by your love for him and by his lies. You deserve better than this. If he was truly sorry, then he wouldn't continue to hurt you. If he truly loves you then he shouldn't be hurting you in the first place. What he does is wrong. You should tell your parents. I'm sorry to say this, but he might be more in love with the power and the control that he has over you than he would be in love with you. The only way to stop him from hurting you is by realizing you deserve better and by leaving him. I know it's painful to walk away from someone who you love, but you can't keep putting yourself through that. You deserve someone who will treat you with kindness, care and the love that you deserve.
You dont deserve to be abused in any form. You are a human being just like him & we can only take so much. I know it may be hard for you to just step back and take your own happiness into consideration because you love him, but they way he treats you shows how much he REALLY loves you, which obviously isnt much if he continues to hurt you. Take a step back & inform your parents about what is going on because the abuse will only continue to escalate if you don't do something now.
Verbal, emotional and physical abuse are not ways of showing someone that you love them. Even if he says sorry and that he loves you after hurting you, this is not congruent with his actions. Hurting is not a form of affection. Because you are very much in love with him, you may refuse to believe this. However, he is not the only guy who can love you. Someone out there is bound to love you the way you are supposed to be loved, without emotional or physical abuse. You are already suffering by staying. If you stay, you are reinforcing his behaviors. It tells him that it is okay to do this to women. If you truly love this guy, leave. This is the first step in helping both of you. He needs help and he needs to grow. He needs to realize his mistakes and his tendencies as well. He can't do that with you reinforcing him. You need to take care of yourself. I know it is going to hurt, but staying will only create a deeper scar on you.
Sweetheart you are truly, madly and deeply in love. Love can be blind at times. The kind of love that is strong is when you start falling in love like the way you fall asleep. Slowly and then all at once. But from what I can read, you might have been too fast. If you still want to continue your relationship and be with him forever, I suggest the next times he makes a mistake and apologises, you tell him that if he wants to continue this relationship you will have to lay down some GROUND RULES as cliche as that sounds. You never know, it might work. Besides, the world is full of miracles that surprise us every moment.....