I think I am depressed and I can’t do anything about it?


Hi. Well so.. (this is a long post)
I was this really happy go lucky sort of person and I enjoyed school and all that. I liked my friends and I was genuinely happy. But since the last few months, things have slowly gone haywire. Especially since two weeks. I’ve started disliking my “friends” and I’m pretty sure they don’t even care about me. i don’t have single person that I think truly cares about me. My best friend (online friend) told me he was joining the army (New Zealand) and he is going to the part where they don’t have internet (its sorta for discipline). So I won’t be able to talk to him after school either for 2 years. I have just 5 months left for high school but it still feels like eternity. I don’t think I can survive that long. Since the past few days, I’ve been walking around with a constant heavy feeling on my chest and I’m extremely stressed out. I’ve applied to college so I’m stressed about that too. On top of that, the two people I used to hang out at school with seem to be ganging up on me because the two of them hang out but they don’t really care about me. I feel sick and tired all the time and as soon as I get home, I have no motivation whatsoever. The only thing I want to do is sleep. (I’ve been sleeping A LOT) and I don’t feel hungry either. I’m losing my appetite and nothing is fascinating anymore and the loneliness never goes away. But I don’t have anyone to talk to about this either. School is better at distracting me and usually the heavy chest feeling goes away at school but seeing the two people i hung out with not caring about me brings the feeling back. Realizing that I wont have my best friend here for my 17th birthday brings that feeling back. Realizing that I have noone to talk to brings that feeling back. Listening to some songs brings it back.
What should I do? Do you think I’m turning depressed? I mean I’m not having suicidal thoughts but I’d much rather not have to see anyone anymore. I’d just like to stop going to school (although I could never actually do this) and go straight to college with new people in a new place.

I honestly don’t know what to do anymore and as days pass by, I randomly break into tears more and more often and I feel like I’m getting all the more stressed and depressed. I dunno whats wrong with me. Ugh. I dunno what I need. I just want this feeling to go away and to be happy again.
However, to anyone who takes the time to actually read through this shiz, thankyou. I really appreciate it.

asked November 18, 2014

4 Answers

I agree with Jasmine on this. It most likely stems from a single event, but as opposed to looking online for help I would like it if you found a theripst to see if it's chemical or not and to be helped.I know it's tough, but power though it. I hope you find the end to this feeling, good luck.
It does sound like you're depressed, you can do so much about it though. Maybe speak to someone you know in real life? Like a family member? If you don't have anyone you know very well to talk to, I suggest seeing a therapist as it does sound like you're beginning to become depressed. Best of luck ~Loren
Oh honey its gonna be ok! First off I think you need a distraction, something you care about anything to just get you through this hard time. I recommend something creative and honestly when your depressed music can be your best friend. Try talking to a therapist, school counselor, pastor, or even your catdog fish. As for your friend leaving remember he's not leaving you he's starting his life and you will be too soon. You can still write him letters and remember life goes on so quickly so dont worry about happiness. Your great we love you and truly this will all be over soon.<3<3<3
seeing a therapist might help. and if your problems persist, medication might help.