I need serious breakup help


How do you cope with a broken heart? I’ve never loved anyone so much and I’ve never experienced pain this painful.

I don’t want to live without him

Category: Tags: asked March 10, 2014

3 Answers

In addition to Adrian, I'd suggest that you let yourself feel the way that you feel. Give yourself the time to be upset. You are allowed to feel the way that you feel. It's natural. Cry as much as you want and grieve as much as you want but you owe it to yourself to also get yourself back up on your feet in the end. Even though it feels like the end of the world, there will be someone out there who will love you the way you deserve to be loved and want to be loved. Stay strong.
This is just how I have handled a break up. I think the only way to get over something is time and only time can help. Like if you were to get a cut on your arm or you fractured your wrist only time would make it better. So what I do is I give myself that time to cry, watch sappy movies, eat ice cream and all of those things you see people do to try to get over a break up in the movies but before you start to do those things give yourself a deadline (i.e. 17 days) and when that deadline comes throw away the ice cream, put away the movies and wipe away your tears, and keep yourself busy and do things you love. I can promise you this love, you will not feel as broken as you feel now forever. Hope you found this somehow helpful.
You need to learn to be happy with just yourself again. A large part of a break-up is the feeling that you are missing a piece of yourself, when in all actuality, you're missing someone else. It is important to remember that the first step in recovering from a broken heart or sore break-up is to regain your state of independence.Spend time with friends, start practicing a hobby that you've fallen behind on, work-out, do anything you can to better yourself and your own situation. The only thing that will truly heal your emotional state is time alone and time to reflect and enjoy your own company.