I feel terrible but, how do I turn down a guy who asked me out?


So this guy is a freshman, I am a Junior. I’ve been hanging out with him as a friend like going with him to the movies and stuff and he asked me out and IT IS HIS BIRTHDAY how do I turn the sweet heart down without ruining his birthday? :(

Category: asked October 24, 2013

6 Answers

Scenario 1; "Sorry, but I'm not comfortable enough with you to consider dating." Scenario 2; "Sorry, I don't know you well enough to consider something like dating." Scenario 3; "That's really sweet of you, but I'm not looking for a relationship with now." Scenario 4; "I think of you more as a friend." Scenario 5; "I think you're a great person, but I'm not ready for a relationship with anyone at this time in my life." Scenario 6; "Hey, I think you're a cool person, but don't use your birthday as an excuse to get with me." Scenario 7; "uhm, no." :pDon't be intimidated by the fact that he is using his birthday as support to his question. I know he's your friend and everything, but that's called guilt tripping and you don't do that to people that you consider your friend, or someone that you have any respect for. Kind of a sleaze ball move. If he used it in a joking manner, then don't worry, he'll still be your friend if you say no. Just get him a gift that you know he'll like, he'll get over it :)
It is extremely considerate of you, but you have to stay true and tell him how you feel. He probably knows the answer, it is just the time he chose that puts you in this dilemma. You need to make him realize that he is your friend and you like him as a friend. Let the event of his birthday not hamper your thoughts. It is good for both of you to be acquainted with the truth rather than hanging on the things which might cause pain in the future. Be strong. Speaking the truth will not make you a terrible person. Good Luck. :)
Aww, it's good that you don't want to hurt him, but you can't control how he feels. So just be gentle and make clear that you think he's pretty awesome anyway. He knew when he asked that you could say no, and he picked his birthday anyway. Good luck!
Let him down easy and leave him with a compliment. It's a little confidence boost that might serve him well when he meets the next girl. And no matter what, don't let this get between your friendship. I've been rejected so many times, I know that friendship is a good consolation prize.
Tell him how much you like hanging out with him, but you don't see him that way. Just be nice and gentle.
Like the others said, tell him nicely, respectfully and civilly. If he starts saying 'she put me in the friendzone', dump him as a friend because the friendzone is a bunch of a bullshit, criticizing women for their right to say no. You are not obligated to date/sleep with any guy your friends with. Do not let him make you feel guilty about not having feelings for him; you cannot control who you have feelings for and who you don't.