I am jealous of my little sister!?


My little sister is 4 years younger than me and she’s brilliant at everything. She’s super outgoing and everyone she meets likes her. I am very socially awkward, introvert and don’t really talk to people that much..
I try to my best abillity to be the supportive and helpfull big sister but I can’t help but feel jealous of her beauty and personality.
Am I a horrible person? What should I do?

Category: Tags: asked June 24, 2014

5 Answers

No you are not a horrible person. This is completely normal. I have been in the same exact situation you are in. I too am the older sibling living in the shadow of my little sister. Star athlete, Valedictorian, Popular kid, etc. I used to be incredibly jealous of her, but then I decided to rock my awkwardness and be my bad self and I couldn't be happier. My point is, its completely normal to feel jealous at times, but to not let it get the best of you. You are awesome too but in a different way. Embrace your qualities and don't waste time being jealous.
Thanks for all the answers and the awesome advices. It's nice to know that I'm not alone!
with a lot of people who are 'better' than me, I also tend to get jealous/envious but I look up to them and strive to achieve the same. You are NOT a horrible person everyone gets jealous!
This is normal, my sister is much more outgoing than I am, and much less lazy. She is also taller, extremely beautiful, and dresses really well! I used to feel upset, and that I should be the 'better' sister who's good at everything and looks older and better dressed because I'm 3 years older, but I've just learnt over the years to be proud of her and supportive, and realised that there are things that she looks up to me about and wishes she could have; I guess you could say i've had advantages in education that she doesn't have, and I have also always had better luck with boys. It is hard though. Just remember you are two different people, doing your own thing, so try not to compare yourself to her.
No, you're not a horrible person. It's not uncommon to be envious of someone else when you perceive them to be better than you. It's the wrong way of thinking, though.I think what you need to do is stop comparing yourself to your sister and work on your self esteem, find the things that you're good at.Everyone is going to be better at something than you are and vice versa. There's always going to be someone prettier, more talented. That's just the way it goes. You need to be happy with who you are and work with what you have.I think you should try to find things that you're passionate about, your own hobbies, talents, and interests and learn to love yourself.