how to stop being so negative


I am so negative to myself. I worry all the time and i already set myself to fail. I was in class today and the professor was passing out the quiz we took last week. He said it was out of 32 and i was just sitting there already thinking I failed. Everyone I talked too was saying they got a 14 or a 12 and im like i probaly got the same but then he handed my test and I got a 28. How do I stop being like this. I try so hard but I still think im going to fail

Category: asked May 18, 2015

4 Answers

What would you have to believe about yourself that is true to think that you're going to fail all the time? You've already proved to yourself in that test that it isn't true.
I am the same way! I know what it feels like! I guess the best thing to do is just have faith in yourself and tell yourself you've got this! Before a test or something remind yourself that you studied or prepared for it to the best of your ability! And that you can do whatever you need to well! Just do daily little reminders to yourself about things! Be positive by saying positive things to yourself or to others! Hopefully this helps! Just be reassuring of yourself and be confident! Do what makes you feel happy and alive!
Make a list of positive things about you. List your good qualities and abilities. Once you're done with that, ask your close friends or family what they love about you and write that on the list too. Keep that list handy where ever you are so when you feel down you can open it up and read it. Next time you have a negative thought stop yourself. Pause the moment and reword that negative thought and turn it positive. Instead of thinking I won't be able to do this, tell yourself I will try my best on this. Be KIND to yourself.
Thank you every one it means a lot to me