How to express affection to a sociopath?


I have a friend/co-worker who I like and care for very much, but he is somewhat a sociopath and I can’t figure out a way to improve our friendship. He’s a good soul, despite his negative qualities and I think we could be good friends; I just don’t know how to propose we hang out outside of work or anything like that. Normally I’d just be casual/upfront with someone, but he’s a pretty intimidating dude and I get the feeling it wouldn’t go over well…? I hope this makes sense… Any suggestions?

Category: Tags: asked July 30, 2014

1 Answer

A sociopath can turn on you as quickly as look at you; all they need is justification. There is a reason that being creeped out around sociopaths is a psychologically documented and verified phenomenon.

A sociopath does not care. Their self-interest is the primary motivator in their life, and if you ever stop being useful, particularly interesting, or otherwise become any kind of annoyance, a sociopath can drop you like a bad habit after decades spent together.

So apart from just telling the sociopath "Hey, I genuinely like you.", there is no point worrying about it. All he will do is passively accept your comment, you won't get an emotional response in return.