How to control your emotions?


I feel that I let my emotions dictate my actions which is a horrible way to live. I notice that I’m a very impatient person sometimes and that I can get angry over the most insignificant of details. It’s negatively influencing my life in some ways.

Any advice on how to control emotions? What are some proper outlets, and what should I tell myself when I’m in the middle of an emotional storm?

Category: asked March 7, 2015

2 Answers

When people are angry, they tend to lash out on anyone who is near them, whether they are relevant to the problem or not, and say things they don't mean. To address those two problems, when you're at your most angry, take a few minutes for yourself and ask yourself why you're so upset and what you can do to address it calmly. Though in the heat of the moment, verbally and physically expressing your emotions gives you release, it could also hurt the people around you as well and ruin relationships. You know yourself better than anyone else, so when you know that you're about to have an emotional storm, you must discipline yourself to stay calm. The best outlet is to delve into whatever makes you happy, like a hobby of yours, going to the gym, playing sports, playing instruments, etc. Also try to stay away from things or people that often make you angry or impatient.
You can find outlets that will help you dealing with each emotion - such as simple games on your phone, music, drawing, anything that will allwo you to have a ''time out'' and relax a little bit.the game 2048 is great for that, also breathing practice