How do you stay positive through EVERY situation?


everywhere i turn theres negative vibes and i feel like its rubbing off on me, and i dont wanna be like people like that. How do i stay positive and calm?

Tags: asked October 29, 2014

4 Answers

You can't stay positive all the time, it's not normal. Everyone has bad days, it's more that you know that the day will get better and you keep moving. It's not so much as staying positive but admitting when you aren't and keeping yourself motivated.
I've been asking myself the same question lately. And the answer, at least for me, is that sometimes you can't always stay positive. It's okay to break down. I mean, don't get me wrong, its good to try and always be positive because it will make you, and everyone else around you happier. For a while I was sort of stuck in this "rut" if that makes any sense, where I was unhappy for a long time, and I thought that I had nothing to look forward to. But then I started to pay attention to the small things, like how it felt to take a nap or a nice long shower after a long day at school, or how nice it feels to hang around family and friends that you love. So when I'm feeling negative I think about how those things comfort me and make me happy, because I know that when the thing that I'm dealing with is over I can go and do those things. When I'm not able to think of anything positive in a situation that I can't get out of, I always think "It's not going to be like this FOREVER, and even if I feel like it's the end of the world, it could be worse in some way, no matter what." I hope that this helped at least a little bit. :) xx
You can turn any situation and make it positive. Remember to follow your heart, and do what you need to do to make yourself happy. Be stronger then those negative vibes.
whenever I feel like everything's going wrong, I try to remind myself that we're all just atoms floating around in space and things only matter because we make them matter. Importance is just an invention of the mind. Nothing really matters. You can screw up all you want, but it doesn't even matter because in the end, you're just a bunch of particles.