How do you get rid of scars from cutting?


I have some deep and some light scars and im so embarssed from doing this to my self. But i need to change I guess and i need some way to either make them gone or to lighten up

Category: asked May 2, 2014

4 Answers

I'm sorry someone down-voted your question. That is unacceptable. Self-harm is a very real, very happening issue among many age groups and is a scary and devastating concept nonetheless. Your question deserves and answer. I use to self-harm as well, and still have scars. Depending on how deep your cuts were, it is very possible they will never completely fade. But, there are ways to significantly lighten them and/or cover them up in the meantime, or even permanently.
First is a very simple, inexpensive option. There is scar gel available at all pharmacies and some grocery stores even, that is sold in a tube like neosporin. You WILL get results with CONSISTENT, EVERY DAY USE, but depending on the darkness and depth of your scars, this could be a long and gradual process. I would definitely start this right away regardless of whether or not you choose another option as well. It is inexpensive and effective. In the meantime, covering them up with make-up. There is a tutorial on how to cover scars with make-up available here.
Another option, however a very expensive one that probably wouldn't be available until adulthood, is surgery or laser techniques. Technology and medicine both have come a long way, and can significantly reduce visible scar tissue, depending on the size and area. However, this option is a little more drastic.
Personally, once I turned 18 and was sick of looking at the scars, I decided to get them tattooed over. Depending on where they are on your body and how old you are, this is a possibility if it feels right to you. I got symbols meaningful to me and my recovery process regarding self-harm tattooed over the scars so I can always remember the strength I had to overcome this nasty habit, but not have to be ridiculed or reminded of the ugliness of the scars. This option may not work for everyone, especially if you are underage, but it was a very liberating experience for me.

For the record, I think you are a very strong person for trying to overcome self-harm. I can only hope you have a good support system in your life to help you through your struggles. I think it is very brave of you to want to liberate yourself from your scars. If you ever need more advice or feel the need to self-harm in the future. please message me. Best of luck. You are loved. xx
I Have to 100% agree with everything Lucy said. A few of my friends that cut got tattoos over thier scares and it has really helped them because it reminds them of how far they come in life and keeps thier thoughts positive if they ever feel down. Just know that cutting is not the only option. I use to cut but then I found music and other alternatives to let my feelings out. Stay strong and if you ever need someone to talk to don't be shy
If you are younger I would recommend fresh lemon juice. I tend to scar darker and consistent usage is great. For quicker results expose them to the sun with the lemon juice.
I'd recommend waiting for it to fade. I don't like the idea of applying chemicals on the skin. Or if you want a quick fix just pad it with some make-up or concealer.