How do I tell somebody that I don’t want to be friends with them anymore?


Okay, so I’ve been friends with a girl for a while, but the friendship isn’t working out too well. She just makes me angry and sad all day long because she just tries to make everybody feel sorry for her. It’s not like it’s one time she did it–she constantly does. Plus she’s always telling me how crappy my boyfriend and other friends are behind their backs. So I don’t want to be friends with her, and I don’t know how I can tell her that without ditching her and hurting her feelings. If anybody has any past experience with something like this and has advice, that would be great.

Category: Tags: asked September 25, 2014

6 Answers


It sounds like you're in a very emotionally-draining relationship with her. If you haven't done so already, I would suggest trying to distance yourself from her. Try talking to her less, and see if the friendship naturally dissipates.

If that doesn't (or hasn't) worked, you could try try to approach her and be respectfully honest; try to talk about how you feel, as opposed to telling her everything she's done wrong. For example, if you were to say, "You're a bad friend, and you're constantly trying to get sympathy from people," she would probably would react in a very defensive way, and the conversation would be harder than it already is. However, if you were to say something along the lines of, "I feel hurt because of the way you talk about my boyfriend and our friends," she may not have as big of an emotional reaction, and most importantly, it sets the stage for a conversation instead of an explosive argument.

I'm sorry that you even have to be in this situation in the first place, but I hope this helps some.

Just tell her how it is. You don't want to be around her anymore, you don't owe her anything. Cut the bad fruit off of the tree, make the sacrifice.
my suggestion is to honestly tell her how you feel. i just went thru this with someone and i just striaght up told them that they werent acting like a good friend, and its hard and u may feel mean but you need to do what is best for yourself
You are not expected to stay in an unhappy relationship of any kind, nor should you ever be. I's hard to tell someone that you no longer enjoy their presence, but when you give them legitimate reasons about how they make you feel, it should be easier.You should always surround yourself with people who make you happy.
Maryjane, i have been in a friendship like that and let me tell you. they are never easy. what the right thing to do is never black and white and a lot of it you must use your own judgement. However i would sit down and talk to her, and let her know how you feel, you don't want to hurt yes? Well be straight forward. I would recomned you tell her that this friendship is not working out and though you mean her no harm and have no intentions of hurting her, but you believe it is best for both of you.If you allow yourself to be sucked into a toxic friendship you will become, tired and sick and exhausted from dealing with it. Friendship is about being there for someone who in turn is there for you. Both parties should benefit and be happy. that is what makes a goo friendship. so darling for yourself i would talk with her and if push comes to shove she may be a person who needs to be "left hanging" sometimes that is the only way some people learn, like my former friend.i wish you the best of luck deary and may you find people ho fill your life with joy as you do to them! ~Erin Teague
As someone who's been on both ends of this situation I'd just like to point out that no situation is black and white. Annoyed with an emotionally draining friend? Sit her down and let her know what's bothering you about her, try to be gentle about it but remember you've stuck with this friend for a reason and it's worth a try to let her redeem herself or make any amends. She might not have a damn clue she's doing anything to bother you, and there are a lot of people that will cut something out cold turkey if they have that thing pointed out to them (I'm one of these people and it's been extremely hurtful - bringing me to the point of suicide in one case - when a friend or someone cuts me out of their life without giving me a chance). I'm sure your friend might be the same way. Anyway... if you try that and after a while your friend is still not changing maybe she's just a manipulative or depressed person. If the former, cut her out of your life, tell her to fuck off, whatever. If the latter, help her find good professional help and help her through whatever rough patch might be causing all of this.If you want people to be a friend to you, you have to be a friend first.