How do I tell my parents that I want to shift to another course?


From BS Tourism, I transferred to another school after a semester and took up BS Business Administration, admitted as a freshman again and irregular, thus, delaying my graduation by a year. I was undecided when I took up those courses. Now, I figured out what I really want to take up, BS Pharmacy. Surely, I will be an irregular student again with lots of subjects to cope up with if I shift and would graduate a little later. How do I tell my parents about this matter and convince them to allow me?

Category: asked June 21, 2015

2 Answers

I think you have to be really sure if you want this. You already changed degrees once, maybe your parents won't be really happy about it. My advice, if you really want it, it's exposing the reasons why you want the BS Pharmacy degree so bad , showing them how much you care. Good luck!
Confronting your parents in a manner that is mature is the best way to approach the situation. Be considerate of their point of view, the changes you have made, etc. As long as you are respectful and considerate, (and they are as well), you will have a successful talk about the topic that might lead to a great outcome :)