How do I tell my mom I want to go back to therapy?


I have depression, anxiety, I am bipolar, i have sever anger issues, and I have mild schizophrenia. I used to go the therapy twice a week but that was when I was 8 and it made me feel weird and like an outcast.. so I stopped going. But now at 13 I have had a come back with all my disorders and they hit me hard. The thing is, I would just come out to my mom and tell her I want to go back but we have major money problems. How do I tell my mom I want to go back? And I’m not sure if our health insurance covers the bills for it. Please help me, I don’t want to be sad anymore.

Category: Tags: asked March 28, 2014

5 Answers

Be open with her, cry to her, just tell her straight out. There is no working around this girl. You need to do what needs to be done & tackle it at this stage in life. You're still young and as soon as you get help, the better it will be for you. But the longer you let it linger, the harder it will be to find complete happiness & peace. My only advice, tell your mum. May the journey you take lead you to happiness <3
I believe the best way is to go up to your mom, ask to have a serious conversation with her. Then ask her about possibly going back to therapy.Or, take a different approach. Just casually say something across the line of "Mom, I've always wondered how much each therapy session costs, or does our insurance cover it?" and then if she asks why, bring up what's been going on.But trying to not go back to therapy and learning to cope with your own issues and becoming stronger, learning how to overcome them yourself is always good too. So maybe make a challenge, try going to therapy only every other week instead and then slowly just quit going as you progress and get better.
Well, I think therapy is a great way to help people with their situations, and Garet has a great idea on how to tell your mom. I don't think you should try and challenge yourself, not if you have mental disorders. You are not an outcast, you are just having different situations than everyone else, which gives you a better idea on what other people might go through. Therapy is there so you can talk about your day, get things off your chest, and find solutions. Medication is more scientific with everything, but pills do help people. Challenging yourself is probably the worst thing you could do. Everyone needs help, it's normal and healthy. You can't go through things alone, because all that does is make you more sad and emotionless, I know from experience. You have blah therapy, and I am more than happy to talk to you if your mom can't afford the therapy sessions :)
The best thing you can do is tell her all of your concerns explain to her why you want to go back how your feeling and explain to her that your stressed that maybe it's too expensive and have you talk to you about it. If it isn't covered by your insurance there are all types of free help all over the country! A lot of schools are able to get your in touch with people who can offer free and cheaper support for families who maybe struggle financially or their health insurance doesn't cover. I wish you the best of luck and keep with your positive attitude to get better and things will work out!
"Mother, I need help. I am having some very serious problems, and I have decided that I want to go see a therapist. Will you help me?"

The direct, honest approach is typically your best bet.