How do I stop from feeling depressed and borderline suicidal when my parents fight


my parents are fighting all the time and it makes me feel horrible when they do. I don’t want to eat or do anything when they are fighting I just feel helpless and hopeless like I will never be happy again. I want to talk to them about my feelings but I know that it will just make them hate me and fight more. I need help because I can’t keep feeling like this or things won’t end well for me. All I want to be happy and feel loved.

Category: Tags: asked July 5, 2013

2 Answers

First and foremost, know that you are not alone and that you are important!!! As a mom myself, I would never hate my teen for telling me how she felt. I'm sure your parents wouldn't hate you for telling them how you feel. Right now, with all their fighting maybe they have lost sight of what is important...YOU. If you really feel like you can't talk to them...find another adult to talk with either family related or someone at school (teacher, coach, counselor). Your needs are important. Don't forget that!!! Feel free to message me. Best wishes!
Get out of that house, if you have friends or family that lives around you ask them if you could stay with them for a little while. Be outside more, hang out with friends do anything to get yourself away from them Also start eating and be happy! Parents will fight and there is nothing you can do about it, except get out or get help.