How do I get my mom go send me to a councillor?


I’ve told my mom I think I’ve social anxiety disorder a few months back, we talked about it for a while and she said she could take me to a councillor but its like she totally forgot about it.
I asked her about it, again, yesterday but as soon as I was finished talking she completely changed the subject. It’s like my mom doesn’t believe me or doesnt think that whatever i have is serious. But, it really is. My social anxiety, or whatever it is, is getting worse and its leading me to getting upset over the smallest things like getting corrected (embarrassment) or simply getting poked by someone I don’t know then turning round to find people laughing at me.
I really need help, whether its as simple as talking to a councillor or getting a therapy, I need this feeling of constant fear of social situations to go away but without my moms help I will carry on living like this with my SA getting worse…
Any suggestions on what I should do to get my mom to finally take me seriously? (I’m 14)

Category: Tags: asked April 29, 2014

2 Answers

i went to my everyday doctor without my mom in the room and we talked about it and she called my mom in and got my mom to take me to counseling. that's probably the best way to go.
I'd suggest the best way to go about it, if she won't set up an appointment for you, is to talk to a school counsellor or your doctor. They will be able to give you a bit of a push in the right direction, and also may be able to convince your mum that it's the right thing to do. Good luck x