How do i get a girlfriend?


I am a little introverted and every girl just ignores me even when I try asking them out.

Category: asked December 19, 2014

7 Answers

They say that there's someone out there for everyone. There are plenty of girls who are introverted as well. Take some time to get to know them. Talk with them, hang out and be a friend. You'll know when lightening will strike. Not every girl falls for bad boys. There are still girls who appreciate nice guys. Some girls really like romantic things, like a poem or getting roses. Start with building a friendship and see how it goes from there. If you can make a girl laugh, that's a plus.
One thing : patience and understanding is needed to maintain a relationship. You can get a gf by being confident in front of girls and talking to them as you talk to your friends ....
It takes money, lots and lots of money.
Well, it depends on what kind of girls you are aiming for. If she's just as introverted as you are, you have to ease each other into the process. It all depends on your approach and your current relationship with that girl.
Okay, well first of all there is no rush to find a girlfriend. You probably hear this a lot but honestly you'll find someone when the time is right. There is no rush to relationships. But if you honestly just want to date someone start talking and making new friends. There is so many introverts out there, so it's not like there isn't anyone who would date you. you always start with being friends first, and then when you feel like the time is right, ask them out. Don't rush the process from friends to girlfriend. Only time will tell here
wish i could you help you dude...but we are on the same boat..i always wanted to ask this question but couldn't bring myself to it...i'm even more introverted than you...the answers here are really lame.. i know i'm going to get a lot of negative points for saying this but its true:- "NICE GUYS FINISH LAST"...its true..its the reality...girls don't like nice guys..i have seen my A'holes and perv friends getting girlfriends...
Okay seriously, you dont just go out and "get" a girlfriend. Its not like buying a tv or something. In my opinion youre only supposed to "get" a girlfriend of youve befriended a girl and starts getting feelings for her. You dont just look at a girl an be all like "ive never talked to her but i wanna date her". Of course they wont talk to you then, cause they dont know you. A girlfriend isnt something necessary to have. I do understand that you want to cuddle or have sex or whatever, but its just not that easy.