How do I cope with feelings of worthlessness?


I constantly am thinking about how useless and worthless I am. No matter how many people tell me I’m not, no matter how many compliments I get about how “amazing” I am, and no matter how many hobbies, talents, and achievements I accumulate, I can’t shake this feeling of worthlessness. Help?

Category: Tags: asked December 8, 2014

1 Answer

you have to find a way to realize that you are a beautiful, unique human being, no matter what. it can be pretty hard, I know, but you have to believe. one thing you can do is think positive things :) make a journal and write one good thing about yourself every day. if you still feel a bit down, you can do things in your community that make you feel more helpful, like volunteering at a library, helping out at a homeless shelter. don't let anyone, even yourself, tell you aren't worth anything. you're beautiful, even if you don't agree with me <3