How can I stop feeling so lonely?


Ever since I ended an abusive relationship 6 months ago I’ve been feeling really lonely. I just wanna take him back to end the loneliness. He was really mad that I ended it so he probably spread lies about me so no one else would want me.

asked January 12, 2015

1 Answer

okay. no. absolutely not. the fact that you would put yourself back into a relationship where you are not treated right just because youre just...idk. no. im sorry youre feeling down. but unless you like being treated like that, there is no reason to go back. and dont say no one will want you. sometimes it takes time to meet the right person who will treat you the way you deserve. so for now, please try to be independent. break ups are hard no matter how they were. you will get through these feelings. if you are lonely, you can message me. im also sorry if i was rude in any way...i do not approve of abuse of any kind. p.s. i am proud of you for ending it. shows alot of strength .