How can I feel less alone in a group of friends?


I don’t have trouble making friends, but in a group setting i always feel as if i am being excluded from the conversation. I just feel like i am a 3rd wheel. so often times i find myself putting my headphones in and walking away on my own. I also tend to feel this way when texting my friends. I don’t know how many texts are too much or if i should even text them at all. Can you maybe tell me ho to cope with this or something?
Also sorry for all the capitalization errors.

Category: Tags: asked July 7, 2014

2 Answers

Look within yourself and ask yourself: "Why do I feel like what I have to say doesn't matter to them? Do I feel this way from some social cue I am getting from them, or is an emotion inside of myself making me think this way?"
look i felt like this through the first half of the year (i still do at times). This is completely normal, and what helped me with this problem is be with the people who i feel the most comfortable with. I felt like i could finally open up and was relieved.