How can I become less of a worrier?


Lately I have been noticing that I have become more shy and not wanting to talk to people. I am alway so nervous about every thing and it’s really taking over my life. I have very few friends and the friends I do have I never see outside of school. I have missed a lot of parties and after school things because I always get to scared to go and convince myself to stay home. Any advice on how to conquer my fears of……..well, everything.

asked December 15, 2013

1 Answer

Honestly all you have to remember is to just let everything go. Do not worry about what everyone thinks. Take into consideration when you see something embarrassing happen to someone do you remember that two years later and still bring it up? No. It is fine to be nervous but just build the courage up to know that everything will turn out better than expected . Because some one else is probably feeling the same way like you right now, and you just haven't met that person yet.