Girls, how would you want to be asked out?


Thats it. Answer how you would love to be asked out :)

Category: asked June 5, 2014

16 Answers

be casual, yet genuine. if you're rejected, at least you're rejected for being yourself.
I just want something sweet and sincere. You don't need to go all out and but sticky notes on my car. Just an in person "Will you go out with me?" is perfect and enough :)
Honestly, just be yourself. If you pretend to be someone you're not, I wouldn't like that, so just be yourself and if she doesn't like that, then she's not good enough for you.
Be straight to the point. No BS. No manipulation, no 'have you ever-' questions. Be honest, but kind. Smile lots, be genuine when you ask. Spend time with her, ask questions about what she's interested in and play the part of being interested. It always helps if you remember what a girl likes, and also when the times right, meeting the parents is a great choice.
Just be sweet, genuine and sincere. No need to go ott. Just a simple walk in the park, grab a coffee or ice cream and just get to know each other! Make sure you ask lots of questions, be interested and try remember what he tells you. It will help if you take things further, like if she says she likes surfing you can go to the beach on your next date etc. Good luck!
Ask her out in the most gentlemanly way possible. That is, if that's how you will be acting towards her during your relationship. The way you ask her out directly reflects your intentions and attitude towards her. Don't do the usual jerk-ish way of asking her out like texting her or being a douche while asking her. In a very respectful manner, ask her if she'd like to go out with you. Don't ask her for "a cup of coffee" or anything to that equivalent. Be straightforward. Also, be sure to pick her up at her house. Meet her parents and assure her that she'll be safe with you.
Well what they said is right ^ be casual and a gentleman and all that. But if you want something more than just that or you're asking her to a big event get to know her. What does she like? Tulips? Get her tulips. Maybe her favorite candy. Or do something with her favorite band. Be creative! Girls love guys that have enough time to sit down and really think about what they love. Do something she won't forget.
Hmm.. I would like someone who would call me for a walk to the lake, when the moon is shining on a summer night, with a gentle guy who smells good haha, and a gift, something his, that means a lot for him.Wow, I should wake up now haha
When I was 16 I had a boy take me on a walk through a park. I found an envelope in a tree on the pathway and he pretended he was as interested in it as I was. When I opened it to see what was inside there was a note asking me to go out with him. Still one of the cutest things anyones done for me c:
In a playful yet charming manner. I want the guy to goof up a little bit and be cool with it. I want all those formalities where he picks me up at my doorstep, opens the door for me and blah and I shall reciprocate with my best smile and laugh. XD :3
Guys like to beat around the bush with girls. I've had several experiences where I thought the guy had asked me on a date, but he never made it clear he saw it only as "hanging out." Make sure you're straightforward when you ask, but don't be pushy and overbearing. Just ask her "Hey do you want to go on a date sometime?" Or "What are you doing this Saturday? Do you want to go out?" A confident guy is an attractive guy. She'll probably accept.
How my boyfriend asked me out was really sweet we went to park together and just sat there talking for ages and then he said, "can i ask you a question" i said yeah of course hahaha and he just said the simple "would you like to be my girlfriend?" and for me it was perfect and sweet, but yeah in person just something nice and simple and casual
I say anything that makes me smile. Don't try to be too cool about it. Be yourself. It's super cute when you're nervous, too.
Just having somebody ask you out is amazing, doesn't have to be cutesy or anything. I don't need flowers or somebody to stand outside my window holding a boom box while playing peter gabriel, the thought of somebody caring and wanting to be with you is beautiful. My friend and I got tickets to see Grouplove and right after the concert he asked me out. Simple, and perfect.
you know man not every girls are the same, but you see girls are exactly like boys how do you want you be asked out by a girl? trust you senses it will best suite you, you know just a perfect timing and sincere feeling is all needed you decide the rest. you know Ive never in my life asked a girl out so you cant trust me.
Be randomly approached by a guy who just saw me and have them tell me how they think I'm interesting and would like to go out for a drink or a cup of coffee with me sometime.