girls and guys please help!!!


Alrighty so this is another one of those stupid girl likes guy question but yeah anyway so there is this guy who I think I like but I told one of my friends and the way I acted she was like yep you definitely like him no doubt but we are just so different but he is really sweet and funny and we get along so well and yeah and I think I want to tell him but I don’t know and if I do how do I do it and what should I say and yeah so reading this it sounds pretty stupid but can I please have some help guys???

asked February 28, 2014

3 Answers

haha you're so cute. i don't feel the best about giving THIS specific advice, but try dropping hints for him. it feels better for me to tell you to be straightforward and tell him, but there are enough guys out there who get turned off by that without even knowing it. i guess the media's to blame for that. so, im playing it safe by telling you to drop hints aka smiling a lot, physical contact, eye contact, etc. if it seems as if he is getting attracted to you, then you can definitely be straightforward without risking anything.
Thank you so so so much! :)
It's true when people say "opposites attract", who wants to date someone exactly like themselves? I think, you should start with some simple conversation "How are you? Do you have a pen(if you're in a class together)" anything to just make contact, and let the conversation build from there.