First date (ish) help?


Okay so this morning I went out with this guy. It wasn’t really so much a date as “hanging out” and getting to know each other. We hit it off quite well and talked about meeting up again. Well now it’s this evening and we haven’t talked since this morning. Should I be worried? I’ve never been in a relationship or anything. Am I supposed to text him? Or what? I just want to talk again. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!!

Category: Tags: asked January 13, 2015

4 Answers

If you want to text him, it's okay to do so. When you send him a message, wait for him to reply. If you send a lot of messages then it might seem like you're too needy or something like that. I've had people like that before who would send message after message, which was way too much; If you want to talk with him, you can text him. A few messages is perfectly fine.
Honestly, whatever feels right is the right thing to do. There shouldn't be any 'rule' about it, if you really want to talk to him, go for it! Hope this helped a bit, good luck :)
There aren't no rules thankfully! If you feel like texting him, go ahead! but don't "wait" for him to text you back, keep yourself busy and don't think about it too much!
If you feel like talking to him go for it! Don't sent him 10 messages tho and don't sit there and wait for him to reply. Just calm down and act naturally like a friend and throw in little bit of flirt if your intrested. Best of luck!