Family and College problems


My parents may not notice this but they’re putting an unbearable amount of pressure onto me. They do not flat out force me to have high grades. It’s just that every time I mess up in my academics, they would scold me a bit too much than I could handle. My mother’s voice is so loud that many of our nosy neighbors would hear it, and that’s one of the reasons I’m always scared to go out of the house. I’m a disappointment, a failure, that’s what she always tells me. Honestly, they crippled my self-confidence so badly that I was consumed with anxiety all my life.
Apart from that, I badly want to shift courses as early as possible because I feel like I’m just gonna mess this up, and finance really isn’t my forte, I’m more on the field of literature. I just wish I had the courage to tell her. Ironically, one of my worst nightmares is to fail. She would disown me. She’s the stereotypical Asian parent who value grades and reputation than their own child. How can I end all of this because I badly want to shift courses because I’m not inclined to bank related fields.

Category: Tags: asked November 9, 2014

4 Answers

How well can you work consistently on Finance? If you can then you could make yourself a lot more money than literature and possibly follow that up later in life with a nice lot of savings. If however you can't focus for long on it then you will struggle to achieve a good job position despite your grades. Life after education is a trade-off for most people, work in something you're not keen on but gets you enough money to spend on good free-time, or work in something you love but accept love doesn't always pay the bills. It's possible you can achieve both but you really need to have drive and ignore comments of anyone else (parents included) to get near that. Either way, if you're going to consider shifting to literature you should decide either do it asap now so you don't miss lessons or plan to stick to finance to support you doing it in a few years time once you've got yourself settled on your own.
College sucks. It really does. And a lot of times parents can suck even more. At the end of the day as your mother I am sure she loves you. I think the key is to lay out to her what you are going to do with your degree. If you tell her that you want to study literature, why, and what you will be able to do with that degree after school it would be much harder for her to react negatively.This may be able to help in explaining the benefits of studying.literature
I think you should slowly switch your courses more geared towards literature. You need to live your life for yourself and make your own happiness. Your parents may not feel it is the ideal lifestyle, but so what?! That doesn't mean literature is the WRONG lifestyle. There are so many choices that others will disagree with you on, but you need to choose what's best for you. I'm currently going through a similar process, and many are counting on me to fail. Do not look at it in terms of "possibly failing," but rather as, "I must prove them wrong!" You'll get there, and it'll be amazing. You can do this, you just have to trust yourself.
You leave out some information that could be very helpful to my answer..such as what do you want to do after college?...but below are a couple of helpful notes.
Finance is a lot more than banking. Many industries use finance grads. They are in demand. I would encourage you to keep up the finance classes as long as you can. Take as many literature courses as you can for electives. While literature grads eventually find jobs, they are not nearly in demand from employers.
Grades are important. Far more important than your classmates know. No, it is not necessary to get all A's to get a great job. Experience is also very important. So I would also encourage you to find some type of internship. Find a job that interests you or earn some money. Be a well rounded individual with your interests. As for your parents, they can be demanding. But if you are truly giving your best effort, it will pay off for you. Not your parents. Respect them, but work hard for your future.