Does anyone have any non-traditional advice on how to cope?


It has been 4 years and I am still experiencing heavy grief and sadness. I lost my close family and had to move. It’s been difficult adjusting to a new lifestyle and I’m slowly falling apart, losing motivation, and becoming more sad.
Can anyone here offer any non-traditional advice on how to cope with this type of sadness. I think if I can learn to cope now, I can heal and move on.

I have already tried:
counseling (cant afford therapy)
distracting myself (parties, tv shows, work, school)
going to new places
trying new things
thinking in peace/meditating
reading about depression and grief
talking to people


Category: Tags: asked January 24, 2015

2 Answers

this might be weird but since I think you need something to love and will love you back maybe you should get a dog or try a creative outlet like writing or painting or really anything :-) I know this probably doesn't mean anything but I really hope you feel better sometimes you just need time
I think by doing what you love the most is also a good way to distract you from sadness. But first, if you're not so sure about it you need to ask yourself first, of what you love to do the most, like maybe writing, reading, designing, etc. Also, I heard that physical activities such as sport, is also good to bring up positive mood.