Do you show your feelings?


Is it really not good to be sad? If you are sad yet you try to be happy by smiling and trying to be cheerful in front of others, are you really doing it to be better or are you doing more damage? Do you need to show how you feel or keep it buried somewhere? Is it called hypocrisy if you show emotions that aren’t really what you feel inside? Do you start the day with a smile or dig somewhere deep inside to know if you should wear a smile or a frown? Thoughts anyone?

Tags: asked March 17, 2015

6 Answers

What Ed says is what I've always done. I have a weird viewpoint because I'm military though. However, it has always been stressed for us to maintain a professional bearing.It has always been explained to us not as us hiding what we're feeling, but like what Ed said, it's "to not let our emotions effect our work or what we're doing." I can feel any number of things on any given day, although I'm generally a pretty happy guy. I don't let negativity have any effects on my professional situation or even my personal relationships--- I'm not saying I don't share my problems, but I don't share them if they're not asked for.It's not hypocrisy to feel negatively, but act positively when you're striving towards something. That's actually resilience. Hypocrisy would be to tell some one you're alright if they're genuinely concerned about you and you're not.Don't bottle everything up, but also don't fire-hose it onto bystanders. =\
I never tell people how I feel. It always bugs me but I never do
It's not always easy to show how you truly feel, especially when you feel bad. I can understand that certain people choose to hide it. However, friends often prefer that their friends would show how they truly feel, rather than hide it and act happy.
Hiding our emotions is damaging and isolating. People fear getting hurt worse, but they also succeed in cutting themselves off from the comfort of identifying and connecting with other human beings. That is why I express what I am feeling, and I am honest with how I feel and why I feel that way. That personal accountability keeps my mind clear and my internal friction very low.
I find myself feeling no emotions when I should. Like if I've hurt someone close to me and they cry, I don't feel. If something us usually upsetting to others I'm unfeeling. Sometimes I think I have a stone face where no emotion shows up. I have a pessimistic view on the world, where most of my friends and family are optimistic. I find myself feeling like I should expect the worst out of any situation and then be pleasantly surprised if it ends up being better than I expected. My family thinks I'm depressed, but I'm really not. I just think negative things happen all the time and I want to be ready for them. So I may be biased on this topic.
I always hide my feelings. I don't want people around me to know how I feel.