Depression and pride explain the difference in emotion.


Im trying something new. it’s called identifying you’re emotions. what is depression and what is pride, are the two emotions somewhat of a transition to another. I think if you overpride you’re self you might feel depressed when the fun is over.

asked March 4, 2015

1 Answer

I feel as though pride and depression are two completely different things, emotionally and in terms of textbook definition... But I understand what you're saying by over-priding yourself and then feeling inadequate later on.The definition of pride is as follows: a feeling or deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own achievements, the achievements of those with whom one is closely associated, or from qualities or possessions that are widely admired.The definition of depression is as follows: feelings of severe despondency or dejection.Given the definitions, I would say that you may not necessarily end up ''depressed'' as a result of being proud of your accomplishments, but perhaps feeling some emotional deflation. Maybe you need to identify the cause of this-- what makes you feel deeply sad when the attention towards your accomplishments begin to fade? Remember, your achievements don't disappear just because the praise is over, always be proud of yourself, respectfully :)