Can all sexes be sexy?


So I am a fourteen year old girl, who happens to like girls. Yes, guys are attractive. No, I don’t like male genitals. Yes, girls are attractive. Yes, I do like female genitals. I have been questioning my sexuality for a while now and an finally starting to come out to liking JUST females. But, I do still think the opposite gender is attractive. Hell, all sexes are sexy. I just don’t want to have a relationship with, or anything more, with anyone of the opposite gender. I know I am still young, but I do really need to come to terms soon with my sexuality.

Category: Tags: asked July 29, 2014

6 Answers

Sexuality is extremely fluid! All sexes can be sexy to you but you can only want to be in a romantic or sexual relationship with just one, or two, or three, or whatever makes you feel comfortable to identify with. Explore different labels and such and don't feel the need to pin yourself down to just one :)
There's also romantic orientation; like you could be homosexual and biromantic!
You can experience aesthetic attraction to people without sexual or romantic attraction! Just because you think guys are good looking doesn't mean you have to want to do sexual things with them or even be in a romantic relationship with them! you could also be romantically attracted to both guys and girls, but only sexually attracted to girls.
Thank you. I mean...I have researched sexuality. Ranging from asexual to pansexual to lesbian to polysexuality to two-spirit to transgender and so on. I am very mature for my age, physically and mentally. I have been looking for something to look into and that is one of the things that has really caught my attention. Thank you for your opinion. c:
No, I agree! I think girls AND guys are hot and I'm straight. People are beautiful. And you never have to rush your sexuality! Maybe you have to experiment a bit before you 100% are sure of what you are, it just depends :) Good luck!
You're a lesbian and that's perfectly okay. :) There is nothing wrong or pre-determining with acknowledging the attractiveness of another person or gender.