Backstabbing people or be alone?


Honestly who isn’t a liar and very rude, especially friends right? honestly maybe i have a bad judgement against people or im really bad at picking friends…..I only have 5 friends who i hang out with and talk to (including my bf). Sometimes i just wanna be bymself but seeing im an only child, being alone can be depressing sometimes. I see how people have “500″ friends on fb or instagram and claim they hang out by seeing all the pictures….so is it better to have 5 friends vs. 500 friends vs. being alone?

Category: Tags: asked May 12, 2014

2 Answers

I think the most important thing in a social life is balance. Spending too much time alone can be depressing, sure, but it's just as hard to never have time to yourself. You don't always have to say yes when your friends invite you out, but you don't always have to say no either. As far as how many friends you should have, quality is more important than quantity imo.
Ok first of all, friends aren't rude to each other or backstab. Yes they eat some of the chips when you're not looking or jokingly say offensive names to refer to each other but if your friends are constantly making you upset once you've already told them to stop then I'd seriously reconsider your friendships.

I'm an only child too and I love having time to myself but I hate feeling alone. There's a difference.

When you have 500 friends on facebook, they're not actually all your friends, maybe acquaintances. There's nothing wrong with having a network of 500 people, you never know when someone will come in handy.

So really, you should have a balance of "me time" and hanging out with friends. It doesn't matter how many friends you have, as long as you have special ones that make you happy. Spend time on people who spend time on you.