Are you happy ?! What do u think are the components of happiness ?!


Just a very important survey :D !

Category: asked March 4, 2015

6 Answers

I'm not very happy at the moment but it depends on my surroundings... Usually I associate happiness with the happiness of people around me and the quality of my work.
Being happy for me means loving yourself.It means that you do things you love.It means your dreams are becoming true because you make them become true.It means that when it gets dark,you dont have anything to bother you and nothing to think about except waking up to start all over again.That is why most of us aren't truly happy.
to me happiness is when you're not bothered by the big things that happen in you're life, and you come to the realization that people make mistakes but the only difference between you and everybody else is that you're not just waiting to be happy you're taking it as it goes and it's true because if you're always happy there's something wrong with you , most people are going to get depressed when the fun time is over, and having pride in you're job or work does not truly make you happy. so people are going to challenge you and you're motives and try to upset you.
I'm not, I don't know.
Being happy begins with yourself. You must have love and respect for yourself. Once you love yourself, you can love others and freely give this away because you have plenty of positivity to share. And typically when you make others happy, the result for you is rewarding because you aren't losing anything by sharing your happiness; it is also important to not expect anything in return & to be okay with this. I find that personal happiness increases almost tenfold when I can make others smile or be happy. Be kind always and remember, everything is temporary! Life is constantly changing! :)
Happiness is something that you have to work for. Now, don't be put off. This state of mind isn't terribly elusive, it just requires effort. Positive thinking is a big factor. Being able to "think happy thoughts" (honestly Peter Pan wasn't too far off) makes a big difference in how often you feel happy.Happiness, like most things, requires a willingness to become. A willingness to put in that effort, to get rid of negative influences (e.g. people, activities), to believe you deserve it.At least, that's what I think.