Am I pansexual?


I’m a girl and I am most definitely attracted to other women, i’m attracted to men as well but i’d prefer being with a girl. I can imagine sex with a guy much easier than i can with a girl even though i’ve had experience with girls. I don’t know what I feel about transexuals but If I wanted to be in a relationship with them then i definitely would, gender doesnt really affect me with these kinds of things. So am i considered pansexual because I don’t know what to label myself. I only recently heard about this term and until now ive called myself bi but now im wondering if being pan would be more suited? Or is there something else that i am?

Category: asked April 9, 2014

2 Answers

You can also choose not to label yourself. Sexuality is extremely fluid, and you don't have to have a label for it. If people ask you what gender you're attracted to, just tell them all of them.
Well bi-sexual means you love both genders while pan-sexual just means you let yourself fall in love with someone for just them regardless of their gender basically.