Am I overthinking?


So basically there’s this girl I like and I don’t know if she likes me. (Or likes girls that way at all) but we have this mutual friend and like the mutual friend is much closer to my crush (they’re like almost best friends) So today my friend was telling me about something that happened in the class that she has with my crush…there’s also this douche of a guy in there that said my crush is too pretty to be gay. So then my friend said, “I couldn’t stop laughing exhausted all I was thinking was (Name) you don’t even know the whole story.”

Am I overthinking this or is my friend refering to my crush telling my friend she is gay? I am not in the class with them and that friend knows I like my crush but..I dunno am I overthinking it? Thank you for anyone who can help!

Category: Tags: asked December 16, 2013

2 Answers

At this point it could be overthinking for everyone . Just take a moment out of your day to figure things out and ask around and to figure out what her attractions are. If she is into girls, then take a chance just like anyone would with anyone else. If not , just try to be close friends or anything like that. Not worth losing great people over small things you know?
The best thing to do is just ask and tell, I don't understand why we never seem to do that enough nowadays (myself included). If you think someone's wearing a nice coat, tell them - happiness can quite literally be passed around from person to person and I think we tend to forget this. If you really want to know something about someone, ask them - they probably won't mind you asking and it saves you so much time speculating.