am i gay and is this ok?


my name is Roman, i am russian, 17 yr old boy and i live with my mom, my dad left when i was arond 7. no brother or sisters. i live in the united states.

I dont know a lot to say, I should start with how I met him.

His name is Kaiser, we have a bit of problems talking because my english is bad (also the reason for spelling issues so I’m sorry)

But he is so nice to me, I think I love him. I never thought about being homosexual, gay, etc, when i was little. But he is making me feel so different. I dont know.he is always talking to me, he even wants to learn russian from me.

He has intrest in women and every time he meet a women I get jealous. I know its bad and I try to be happy for him but I always feel a need to cry alot.

I’m 17 right now and he is 21, I also want to now if that would be illegal. I love him so much and would do anything for him, I dont even care about how he is 21. he touches me alot when he is drunk and it feels so good to me.

i dont know if he feel the same and some times i think he know but is teasing me about it. i dont even care about it, but i wish he loves me. what do i do? do i tell him? should i wait until i get older?

and also should i tell my mother about him? i am scared how she will act

Category: Tags: asked September 29, 2014

2 Answers

As far as illegal or not, you need to check your local laws, but 17 seems like it would be old enough to consent. As far as right or wrong, if you aren't being forced to do anything you don't want to, and as long as he stops when you say no, right or wrong depends on your beliefs. As far as telling your mom, that's a call you have to make. She may or may not be accepting of your lifestyle. In fact, many people you tell may not accept your lifestyle. The only thing for it is to find some who will. Good luck.
I'm not sure if I can speak to all of your questions here, but I just wanted to give you a note regarding drinking and consent - you really want to make sure if the both of you decide to get together, or even if you just casually end up engaging sexually, that you are sober - ESPECIALLY if it's your first time. What's legal tends to get pretty muddled up and grey when drinking is involved, due to inability to consent via intoxication. You don't want him - or you - to get in trouble for that.