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    laylab95 posted an update 6 years, 10 months ago

    Today has been very cruel to me. I went off with my family and i cut my toe in my uncle truck pretty bad. I knew it I bump it on something in his truck but i didn’t realize the severity of it until I got out. No one cared that my toe was bleeding everywhere and just said it was a little cut. We were out in the hot sun walking around at a yard sale and I suddenly felt light headed and short of breath. My uncle parked far away so walking was out of the question. I had to ask one of the sellers could I sit down in their chair. I felt like i needed to throw up and people were talking to me and i couldn’t hear anything. I was mumbling low too and everyone was looking at me concerned. My mom and granny just stood there until people started saying why don’t I have any fluids on me. That’s when my granny finally got me something. The whole process was about 10 minutes and honestly I was fighting not trying to pass out in front of everyone. It was so embarrassing and that’s one of the main examples with my life how my family truly don’t care about me and my safety. My mom said that everyone was looking at my granny crazy for not getting me anything fast enough but i know they were looking at her too. My uncle finally pulled up and no one helped me to cross the busy traffic since my family were still shopping. Today I could’ve died but for whatever reason, I’m here.

    • @layla95 I’m glad you made it, the world wouldn’t be the same without you.
      Now just keep taking care of that cut ok? Take of yourself darling
      You know we’re here for you

    • Your family really should of helped you and been there for you when you were feeling unwell @layla95, do take care of yourself and look after your cut toe sweetie, you will be OK Layla, inbox me anytime if you want to chat or vent, stay strong, you are never alone :) <3 (hugs)

    • @layla95 that’s really shitty, people can be so apathetic.. they definitely weren’t understanding your pain. It sounds quite scary, I’m glad you’re okay. I hope that tomorrow will be better to you

    • I hope so too and thank you very much.