• Profile picture of Travelling Girl
    Passing Stranger
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    Travelling Girl posted an update 7 years, 6 months ago

    Wow, three months has already passed. The boyfriend a lot of you guys knew about turned out to be really abusive. A friend helped me end things in late July. I also quit my job (the season ended but I stopped going in a month before that). I have had a lot of anxiety lately. I let my loneliness take over over the past two months and hooked up with people I shouldn’t have.
    I recently moved (like yesterday). I’m still in the process of getting all my things out. My neighbors upstairs were seen trying to break into my apartment and I finally had had enough so I paid my lease and got the fuck out. I’m so behind in school. It’s my last year of college and I am failing. Which is so weird because school means the world to me. Right now I need to get ready for class but those were just updates for anyone that cares. Even though I’m sure I’m just blabbing to nobody lol I don’t even know who sees this. I am so exhausted in every way. I need a break from it all. My depression and anxiety and PTSD make everything so so so difficult.

    • @simplegirl good job reducing all those stressors :)

    • Do take care of yourself and try to focus on getting yourself to a happier place @simplegirl, you don’t deserve abuse or pain from anyone or anything, surround yourself with as much love, positivity and hope as you can, I want to see you feeling safe, secure and at ease, relax and find ways to calm yourself so you can go forward into the future with a sense of peace, remember to always believe in the brightness that lies ahead, you can do it, I’m always here if you need to chat or vent, feel free to inbox me anytime, stay strong, you are never alone :) (hugs)