• Profile picture of mintcat
    Passing Stranger
    QA Reputation

    mintcat posted an update 8 years ago

    I can’t tell if my friends like me or not. I mean they say they do but then don’t talk to me outside of seeing me in person and either don’t respond to my texts or take a really long time doing so. I’m not sure what to make of it.

    Mood : Confused
    • Oli replied 8 years ago

      Everyone deserves compassionate and good friends around them, you do too @cocoon, try to stay positive and keep smiling, your friends really should contact you and talk to you, hopefully they will, you deserve all the best, don’t give up, I’m always here if you need to chat or vent :) (hugs)

    • thanks. You’re a really amazing person who deserves all the best as well.

    • I do have anxiety. And it probably is. But all I can see is everyone with close friendships and me just here being tollerated out of polietness. They’ll leave me soon enough. I just know it. Just like before.